- September 16-17, 2024: IAB Meeting held at Mines
- September 13-14, 2024: Denver Mineral Exploration Symposium 2024
- May 13-24, 2024: Field and Ore Deposit Geology Course in Mexico
- April 8-19, 2024: Skarns and Related Mineral Deposits Modular Course at Mines
- March 17-21, 2024: Field Geology Modular Course held at Mines studying epithermal deposits in the Colorado Extensional Corridor
- January 22 – Feb. 2, 2024: Hydrothermal Geochemistry Modular Course held at Mines
- January 3-7, 2024: New Developments in the Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits Short Course held at Mines
- November 3-16, 2023: Reflected Light and Electron Microscopy Modular Course held at Mines
- October 16-17, 2023: Leapfrog 3D Modeling Modular Course held at Mines
- October 8-14, 2023: Mineral Exploration Managment Modular Course held at Mines
- September 25- October 6, 2023: Exploration Geochemistry Modular Course held at Mines
- September 5-18, 2023: Economic Geology Modular Course held at Mines
- September 21-22, 2023: IAB Meeting held at Mines
- September 15-16, 2023: Denver Mineral Exploration Summit
- September 5-18, 2023: Economic Geology Modular Course held at Mines
- June 27, 2023: Phase II+ Award Made by the National Science Foundation
- April 3-14, 2023: Mineral Exploration Geophysics Modular Course held at Mines
- March 29-30, 2023: IAB Meeting at VT
- March 13-24, 2023: Skarns and Related Mineral Deposits Modular Course at Mines
- January 30 – February 10, 2023: Hydrothermal Geochemistry Modular Course held at Mines
- December 14, 2023: Submission of Phase II+ Proposal to the National Science Foundation
- October 21 – November 4, 2022: Reflected Light and Electron Microscopy Modular Course held at Mines
- October 17-18, 2022: Leapfrog 3D Modeling Modular Course held at Mines
- September 26 – October 7, 2022: Geochemical Exploration Modular Course held at Mines
- September 16-17, 2022: Denver Mineral Exploration Summit at Mines
- September 6-16, 2022: Economic Geology Modular Course held at Mines
- August 31-Sepetmber 1, 2022: IAB Meeting held at Mines
- August 19, 2022: CASERM sponsored the Front Range Isotope Day held at Mines
- March 14-15, 2022: IAB Meeting (virtual)
- January 5-10, 2022: Ore Deposit Models Short Course held at Mines
- September 20-21, 2021: IAB Meeting (virtual)
- March 22-23, 2021: IAB Meeting (virtual)
- September 24-25, 2020: IAB Meeting (virtual)
- March 12-13, 2020: IAB Meeting (virtual)
- September 5-6, 2019: IAB Meeting held in Vancouver
- January 1, 2019: Start of Research
- November 8-9, 2018: IAB Meeting held at Mines
- August 28, 2018: Phase I Award Made by the National Science Foundation
- December 20, 2017: Submission of Phase I Proposal to the National Science Foundation
- September 14-15, 2017: Planning Meeting at Mines
- March 6-8, 2017: Meetings with potential industry sponsors at PDAC, Toronto
- February 20-21, 2017: Meetings with potential industry sponsors at SME, Denver
- January 27, 2017: Planning Grant Award Made by the National Science Foundation
- January 22, 2017: Meetings with Potential Industry Sponsors at RoundUp, Vancouver
- July 11, 2016: Submission of Planning Grant Proposal to the National Science Foundation
- February 16-17, 2016: Workshop of Research Team at VT
- May 09, 2016: Submission of Letter of Intent to the National Science Foundation
- February 15-16, 2016: Workshop of Research Team at Mines